Tomorrow is 11/11/2013, our two year anniversary here in Brazil! we’re going in to Canela the next day to celebrate (there’s no buses on Monday so we have to wait until Tuesday). This week I did more work on the extensions and got the south and west sides finished 🙂 we parked the car and trailer in their new homes under the south extension where they’re protected from the rain.

Beth tested out our new weed-eater which is working very well – we got a Husqvarna to match the chainsaw. We have the normal chord attachment for trimming the grass, and a blade attachment for cutting the thicker taller plants at the edge of the swamp. Unfortunately when we moved the trailer we damaged the home of a large spider (a wolf spider I think) which we saw sitting on the side of the trailer – later she decided that since we’d wrecked her house, it should be fair enough that she move in to ours!