After we got back from our 2016 holiday in New Zealand, we found that the land had been invaded by cows and they had completely destroyed our vege patch! So we took the opportunity to restart a new one (version 5.0!) on the side of the hill in the field where there’s much more sun. This one is much more organised and is divided into nine different beds each sign-posted with a letter so we can document what we do in each bed and when. This way we can experiment with different methodologies to see what best suits our situation here.
There are two lines on the northern fence side of the path and the original ones along the southern side of the path, the original ones either use just a plain letter such as G or can have the subscript of 1, e.g. G1. If we create further lines more southward they’ll have sibscripts of 2,3,4 etc the more south they go. The line on the northern (fence) side of the path have the subscript of zero, e.g. G0. And also we’ve started planting things right along the fence, so we’ll refer to these with the subscript of f, e.g. Gf.
About a week after version 5.0 was started, there was another attack, Beth woke up all relaxed and happy – and then noticed a cow right in the middle of the vege patch outside our house! After this, she gave up on the vege patch and began drinking heavily for many months 🙁

Bed A
2017/10/10 (A1): Thick mulch, Potato, Brown bean
Bed B
Bed C

- 2017/10/20 (C0): Black beans, Big Sunflower (spread)
- 2017/10/20 (C1): Brown beans, Big Sunflower, Pumpkin
Bed D

- 2017/10/20 (D0): Black beans, Big Sunflower (spread)
- 2017/10/20 (D1): Brown beans, Big Sunflower, Pumpkin
Bed E

- 2017/10/10 (E0): Black beans, Big Sunflower (spread)
- 2017/10/10 (E1): Thick mulch, Potatoes (see first results & 7 ways to grow potatoes)
Bed F
October 2017 (F0): Black beans, Big Sunflower (spread)
Bed G

- 2017/10/17 (G1): Mulch, parsnip seeds, beans
- 2017/10/20 (G0): Black beans, Big Sunflower (spread)
Bed H
2017/10/17 (H1): Mulch, radish, beans
Bed I
2017/10/17 (I1): Mulch, parsnip, beans (@end), 2 yam
2017/10/20 (Bf–Gf): mucuna, mamona, bl.bean
Garage-N & Garage-S
In 2018, with Antonio‘s help we made to new areas of garden beds next to the garage, which we call Garage-N and Garage-S for north and south and then numbered with 1 being closest to the garage.
The second mulberry (a group of three or four trees) has a mulch bed below it
- 2017/10/20: Brown beans, Big sunflower, Pumpkin
- 2017/10/10: (North) Cucumber, Green bean. (South) Corgette, Coriander
- 2017/10/17: (North) Tumeric. (South) Yam
- 2017/10/17: Ginder
- 2017/10/17: Garlic
- 2017/10/17: Tumeric
- 2017/10/17: Yam
Banhado (next to field entrance)
- 2017/10/17: 5 yam
Banhado (next to net)
- 2017/10/17: 5 yam, 3 tumeric