You might remember my post a year or so ago entitled Too hot to handle! about my home made red Habanero sauce. Beth’s Dad’s just sent down a bunch more for us in the mail from his tree so I can make some more soon – I’ll wear gloves this time!
When we went to Nova Petropolis a few weeks ago I found a commercial one which was pretty hot and had a nice flavour, but yesterday when we went to Caxias I found a new one which you can see in the right-hand picture below (my home-made one is on the left, and the one from Nova Petropolis in the middle). It’s quite innocent-looking and it’s only because I happened to recognise the name “Bhut Jolokia”, which is one of the hottest kinds of chilli pepper in the world, that I even thought to give it a try.

It turns out it’s the hottest sauce I’ve ever found from a shop before, it’s at least as hot as the one I made myself, but has a good flavour as well! You can do a search for “Bhut Jolokia” on YouTube to see what happens when people eat them pure, but it usually goes something like this: