Guest bathroom started
We’ve been so flat out with so many different things that we haven’t made enough progress on the guest house and Mum and Dad are arriving in less than a …
We’ve been so flat out with so many different things that we haven’t made enough progress on the guest house and Mum and Dad are arriving in less than a …
We’ve been slowly making a tiny A-frame house in the forest for Beth to do periodic meditation retreats in. Last year it was just a platform that she put the …
Beth wants to do a ten day forest retreat soon, but because it can flood we decided to make a platform that she can put her tent on safely. Later …
A few weeks ago our firewood storage collapsed and we decided to design and build something more permanent. A few days ago, it was complete enough that we could dismantle …
Out in the country you need to be able to make a good tight fence – it’s similar to how people who like camping need to know how to make …
The job we’ve been doing over the last couple of days is to put a proper sink in the kitchen bench and add some shelves under it to the right …
We made this cute lid for the well out of the off-cuts from the wall boards 🙂
We’ve been taking it a bit easier over the last few days since we got to the most important milestone of being able to take a photo for the power …
Today we only worked on the house in the morning and took the afternoon off because we had a meeting online to attend. But during the morning session we got …
Today is day 8, the first day of the second week. In the morning I put the second two windows in while Beth measured and cut the surrounding frame pieces. …